Mar 10Liked by Debra Esolen

My daughter briefly lived in Oak Hill, West Virginia which is where Hank Williams died in the back seat of a car. It’s a poor town but they have a very nice memorial to Hank Williams.

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Mar 10Liked by Debra Esolen

Johnny Cash sang this song on a great Colombo episode. He sang it well.

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Mar 10Liked by Debra Esolen

Being someone who sometimes attempts to sing, I appreciate his authenticity and artistry. He succeeds marvelously where many poor imitations fail. The man had soul in his song. God rest his soul! He did his suffering here below. Was Hank Williams his actual name, I wonder? I like having Mass said for admirable ones who have gone, and it’s sometimes helpful to use a name which is less notorious than the one by which he or she was known. For example, some years ago, I had Mass said for the repose of the soul of Sam Clemens.🙏

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Mar 10Liked by Debra Esolen

I knew nothing of the life of Hank Williams, that it was so tragic and that he died so young. I can’t imagine living with the constant back pain of having been born with spina bifida and having it go undiagnosed. To have accomplished so much in so little time is one of the marks of a great talent, and Hank Williams was certainly that.

On a completely different topic…Below I pasted a link from a Substack that I follow called, The Musical Platypus Bob Hart. I am an unpaid subscriber, but he made available to all a concert given in Phoenix, in 1978, by Virgil Fox. I was unfamiliar with Fox, but as your son is an organist, you and your family are likely very familiar with him. For Heart, Fox is simply “the greatest he’s ever heard.” This is perfect listening on a Sunday (or any day), and I think you and your family would enjoy it.


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Mar 9Liked by Debra Esolen

Wonderful! His music was something special. And so was he!

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Mar 9Liked by Debra Esolen

In my “former life” my kids and their parents sang Gospel music in churches and this song was one of them. It made me cry to hear it again. Such a true message! Hope others are blessed by it, too.

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Mar 9Liked by Debra Esolen


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Mar 9Liked by Debra Esolen

Just loved this story which I never knew. The song I would of laughed at in my youth, is now an "Amen" song to me.

Thank you as always for your great choices

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