A Fine Kettle of Fish developed whenever the portly Brit, G.K. Chesterton, would meet the skeletal Irishman, George Bernard Shaw, and they'd begin needling each other. On one encounter, Chesterton said to Shaw, "Looking at you, I would say there's a famine in Ireland." Shaw retorted, "By the looks of you, I'd say you caused it!"
A Fine Kettle of Fish developed whenever the portly Brit, G.K. Chesterton, would meet the skeletal Irishman, George Bernard Shaw, and they'd begin needling each other. On one encounter, Chesterton said to Shaw, "Looking at you, I would say there's a famine in Ireland." Shaw retorted, "By the looks of you, I'd say you caused it!"
Ed, that is a priceless exchange. It gave me a much needed laugh this morning.