
Let me be a little more precise: I would define political liberty/freedom not so much as doing whatever you want as acting in accordance with your own beliefs regardless of what other people think, and to use and dispose of your own property and form voluntary contracts (which you are obligated to uphold).

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My personal bias: I have regarded “social” and “society” as dirty words equated with oppression since I was a little kid, and equated freedom with isolation. This does make me uncomfortable with traditionalism, but it also makes leftist-collectivist conceptions of “liberation” utterly ludicrous to me.

Virtue cannot be coerced or it is not truly virtue. And I am leery of the term “self-governance” for the same reasons I am leery of “democracy”.

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The bureaucrats should be abolished.

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Morally, I agree, but I support the contemporary definition politically. If someone is enslaved to license, that’s their private problem and not the government’s business.

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