Dear Tony,

Wonderful hymn, wonderful information on Grant. He was obviously an Evangelical, perhaps of the

Clapham Sect, that preceded the Oxford movement/Tractarian/AngloCatholics/et al.

May I add another of your articles from Crisis, which moved me to tears: "Our unhappy Youth."

(It seemed the best way to tell you. ) For some strange reason, I find myself, from time to time, chatting with young people, who are stunned at our 65year marriage. Their response is always the

same (with a sigh) "Nothing like that can ever happen to me......(another sigh....) From the boys it's almost always about how there are "no decent girls left," from the girls, "Guys only want one thing..." Between the Media and the Culture--pretty much the same thing, n'est-ce pas? I grieve for them. What to do? I have no idea. School? So dangerous, you might as well pack a gun...They

think Church is utterly irrelevant. They simply can't imagine it. Picking up girls in bars is a bummer;

they're just sluts etc,....They have no past. History has no interest for them. After all, they'll tell you,

it isn't about them, is it? In fact, they don't believe there is anything about them. No one is interested, no one cares. As desperately as I tried, explaining that I loved him dearly, my only

grandson killed himself. His parents and sister are devastated, as you would expect. I wanted him to see a doctor. His parents ignored me,of course. What does my generation know

about anything? We've never even played a video game. But he's gone. And we pray. And pray

for him and all the other lost ones. Pessimistic about where their civilization has gone, that one we

remember, which was pulled out from under us by malevolent magicians we naively believed . So we pray for these kids because we're far too old to mount an army---unless it's an army of angels and "clouds of witnesses." I hope; and dare NEVER hope, anything less should be so important.

Please forgive me for this intrusion. kr

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Feb 27Liked by Debra Esolen

I remember loving to sing this when I was a kid in a Baptist congregation in Appalachia, a congregation that firmly believed in making a joyful Noise unto the Lord. I loved the sound of it (we were loud!) and also the words of it. Great good sense, and beautifully told.


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Feb 27Liked by Debra Esolen

"Thy mercies how tender!" put me in mind of the great film, "Tender Mercies," screenplay by Horton Foote, and for which Robert Duvall won an Academy Award for Best Actor.

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Feb 27Liked by Debra Esolen

I am grateful for this column and for Touchstone magazine.

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