Insightful and educational for those of us who fight wickedness in the guise of the culture of death, and do so because we love truth.

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Feb 8Liked by Debra Esolen

A librarian once deemed it safe to recommend the book to me when I was a high school student because, she said, "It has no cuss words." The same applies to this film's powerful story told without a scurrilous word; the only exception that I recall would be Tom Tully's character drolly saying, "Mr. Keith, don't you know war is Hell?" The Caine Mutiny is a unique film from which the Court-Martial portion was carved out and crafted into a Broadway play plus two other movies, one in 1988 and another in 2023.

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Feb 8Liked by Debra Esolen

When I read the book a couple years ago, I couldn’t put it down. I’ve never seen the film but am eagerly looking forward to watching it. Tonight! Thanks for the link.

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"Precisely the revere is true."


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