I recently took a silent retreat at the spectacular Cloisters on the Platte in Nebraska. I was very selective about the books I took along and The Hundredfold made the cut. It did not disappoint! Doctrine, theology and apologetics are essential, but we must not forget the value of poetry, silence and contemplation.

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Matt, I'm just seeing this comment now and will make sure Tony sees it. Thank you so much for reading The Hundredfold. It is very close to his heart (the work of many years) and to mine. It's a blessing to hear this encouraging message.

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This one did scare me, because it’s a book of poetry. But…….it’s a book! Start with the introduction, and keep going. A magnificent work, both as spiritual reading and as literature.

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I am only seeing your comment now, but it cheers me so greatly to hear that you braved The Hundredfold. It's not a book for a single read, as you likely discovered. I hope that you may return to it again and again. Tony has completed the sequel (if we can call it that), to be called "The Twelve-Gated City," similar in format, but with 144 poems and many more hymns. It is not yet with a publisher, but we hope to see it in print before too long. By the way, did you see/hear Tony's reading of the Bartimaeus poem? It's in our archive. That is my favorite of the entire work, and I regard it as a stand-alone masterpiece.

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Yes! I love that one! ‘Heaven-shouldering hills’ reminds me of Hopkins. I am a seasonal reader: for many years, I had the habit of reading Dickens in December. This year I decided I am done with Dickens, and re-read Tolkien instead. After Aragorn is crowned, and Frodo sails into the West, I shall re-read The Hundredfold, and it shall be my annual Advent reading. Glory to God in the highest! His Mercy endures forever. St. Nicholas, pray for us.

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Dear Tony,

Looking forward with great anticipation to having my own copy of THE HUNDREDFOLD!

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Kathleen, I need to check book comments more often. I hope that you have your copy of The Hundredfold now. Sorry to be so long in replying to your comment.

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Dear Debra,

Nope. No Hundredfold Songs here. And if Tony wrote them--well, I can only

imagine! kr

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I don't find the link to your reading the poem... just to a noisy interviewer four years ago. I own your book... but I'd love to hear you read this piece. Am I missing something?

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Marsha, Tony's readings from "The Hundredfold" are in our archives here at Word & Song. The link was for people to find out a little bit about the entire poem, but as interviews go, they go. I hope someday that Tony can do a podcast of his own just to talk about what the poem is. It's an entire book of 100 poems all ordered and linked to the time of Christ's ministry. The Hundredfold is the work of many years in the making.

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