Because I had another zoom scheduled the evening of your talk about The Merchant of Venice, I only got to hear the first part. I plan to listen to the rest; thank you for recording it! During my one year in Catholic high school in 9th grade, dear Sr. Louise had us commit to memory Portia's speech. I have loved this song, but had never heard all the verses! Thank you so much for these insights! Question: Is there any family relation between the Fabers who arrange piano music and Frederick Faber? I am blessed as an almost 70-year-old to be able to take the piano lessons I have always wanted.

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The thing that strikes me after a close reading is that Verse 3 seems to be about possible life on other planets! With some googling I found that Fr. Faber did in fact contemplate this possibility elsewhere in his writings, so this is not a crazy interpretation.


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But we make our love too narrow

By false limits of our own;

And we magnify his strictness

With a zeal he will not own.

This is my favorite verse.

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This was my daughter’s favorite hymn from her cathedral chorister days as a child.

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Jun 11Liked by Debra Esolen

The love of God is broader

Than the measures of man's mind.

Brilliant! I hadn't heard this hymn with that tune before; thanks for such a blessed beginning to my day.

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